A System And A Method For Providing A Predition For Controlling A System

Updated over 1 year ago


Co occurrence data representing e.g. preferences and facts observed in a plurality of situations may be stored in a matrix as combinations of high dimensional sparse vectors. The matrix may be called e.g. as an experience matrix. The data stored in the experience matrix may be subsequently utilized e.g. for predicting a preference of a user in a new situation. A prediction may be determined by a method comprising providing a query comprising one or more query words accessing the experience matrix containing co occurrence data stored as vectors of the experience matrix determining a first auxiliary vector by identifying a vector of the experience matrix associated with a first query word forming a query vector by using the first auxiliary vector and determining the prediction by comparing the query vector with the vectors of the experience matrix.


Application ID 6353/CHENP/2014
Date of Application 2014-08-22
Publication Number 27/2016


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Name Date
Form 5.pdf 2014-08-26
Form 3.pdf 2014-08-26
ABSTRACT.pdf 2015-03-09
abstract 6353-CHENP-2014.jpg 2015-03-09
GPA.pdf 2014-08-26
Drawings.pdf 2014-08-26
6353-CHENP-2014 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 23-03-2015.pdf 2015-03-23
6353-CHENP-2014 FORM-3 07-04-2015.pdf 2015-04-07
6353-CHENP-2014 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 07-04-2015.pdf 2015-04-07
15411 gpa_20150129152109.pdf 2015-03-20
15411-808.pdf 2015-03-20
6353-CHENP-2014 POWER OF ATTORNEY 23-03-2015.pdf 2015-03-23
6353-CHENP-2014.pdf 2014-10-02
Patent application.pdf 2014-08-26
Power of Attorney [04-12-2015(online)].pdf 2015-12-04
6353-CHENP-2014-Power of Attorney-020516.pdf 2016-07-18
Form 6 [04-12-2015(online)].pdf 2015-12-04
6353-CHENP-2014-Correspondence-Others,Power Of Attorney-020516.pdf 2016-07-18
6353-CHENP-2014-AbandonedLetter.pdf 2020-01-03
6353-CHENP-2014-FER.pdf 2019-07-01
Assignment [04-12-2015(online)].pdf 2015-12-04
6353-CHENP-2014-OTHERS-Assignment-020516.pdf 2016-07-18


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