Articles tagged with companies

One Person Company Forms Download

OPC form INC-1, SPICe (INC-32, 33, 34), INC-22 are filed for the incorporation of the company and form AOC-4, MGT-7 filed for the annual compliances of the company.

02 May 2017 by Archi Bhatia

Audit of OPC

Statutory Audit of OPC is mandatory however a tax audit is required when the turnover of an OPC exceeds rupees one crore.

02 May 2017 by Archi Bhatia

OPC Registration Procedure

To get register a One Person Company, you required the basic documents along with the DIN, DSC, various incorporation forms, nominee consent, MOA, AOA of the company.

02 May 2017 by Jaskirat Kohli

OPC Rules

OPC haves a set of rules to oversee the activities related to eligibility, conversion, nominee, name reservation, application for incorporation of the company.

02 May 2017 by Archi Bhatia

OPC Taxation

OPC is not yet recognised in the Income Tax Act, 1961. For taxation, One Person Company is counted in the bracket of private limited company, provisions of MAT, DDT are applicable.

02 May 2017 by Archi Bhatia

OPC to Partnership

Conversion of OPC into Partnership and vice- versa in not possible as per the law, either go for winding up or transfer the assets and liabilities of the company.

02 May 2017 by Archi Bhatia

OPC to Public Company

OPC (One Person Company) can be converted lawfully into Public limited company by virtue of law (mandatory conversion) or voluntarily after two years from incorporation.

02 May 2017 by Archi Bhatia

OPC to Sole Proprietorship

An OPC cannot be converted into Sole Proprietorship. Conversion of sole proprietorship into OPC is possible but no specified way is prescribed in law.

02 May 2017 by Archi Bhatia

Requirements for OPC Formation

To incorporate an OPC various documents like ID proof, address proof along with a passport size photo are required. Further an NOC is mandatory with lease/rent agreement. etc.

02 May 2017 by Archi Bhatia

Closing an OPC

For closing a One Person Company, you can either declare the company as defunct or make an application with the registrar for winding up of the company.

22 May 2017 by Archi Bhatia