Updated 17 days



Trademark Information

Application ID 268946
Status Registered
Date of Application 24 December 1970
Class(es) 32
Type Device
Registration State West Bengal
Country United States of America
Published Journal 543


The Coca Cola Company Trading As : The Coca Cola Company


Depenning & Depenning

Uploaded Documents

1 Examination Report 1970-12-24
10 Note Sheet 1988-05-22
11 File Cover 2000-06-01
12 Certificate 2001-05-12
13 Order 2001-05-12
14 Examination Report 2001-05-12
15 Journal Copy 2001-05-12
16 Authorization Document (POA) 2004-04-02
17 Authorization Document (POA) 2004-04-02
18 TM-12 2005-07-08
19 Other Documents 2007-05-24
2 Other Documents 1970-12-24
20 Covering Letter 2007-07-17
21 TM-34 2007-07-17
22 TM-34 2007-08-14
23 Note Sheet 2010-11-18
24 Covering Letter 2012-01-16
25 TM-50 2012-01-24
26 Note Sheet 2012-01-24
27 TM-50 2012-01-24
28 Authorization Document (POA) 2012-03-07
29 Order 2013-02-22
3 Additional Representation Sheet 1970-12-24
30 O-3 Notice 2015-11-04
31 TM-12 2015-12-17
32 TM-50 2015-12-17
33 Renewal Certificate 2016-03-09
34 Order 2017-11-17
35 Cover To Cover 2019-08-29
4 Journal Copy 1970-12-24
5 TM-1 1970-12-24
6 Certificate 1970-12-24
7 TM-16 1971-09-20
8 TM-11 1972-08-14
9 TM-12 1977-08-03

Correspondence and Notices

1 RENEWAL INTIMATION LETTER 2662843   04/01/2016

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the application date as per IP India website?

As per IP India data the trademark was applied on 24 December 1970.

Who has filed the trademark application with the TMO?

The Coca Cola Company Trading As : The Coca Cola Company applied for Coca-cola.

What is the listed class of the Coca-cola with IP India?

Listed class of trademark Coca-cola is 32.

As per IP india what is the stage of trademark application?

Coca-cola is on the Registered stage of the trademark process.

What is the Serial number provided by the trademark data?

Serial Number provided to trademark application is 268946

Who filed the trademark on behalf of the proprietor?

Trademark application was filed by the following attorney agent:
Depenning & Depenning

How is the Coca-cola categorized?

The trademark is categorized as DEVICE.