Updated 6 months



Trademark Information

Application ID 646019
Status Registered
Date of Application 17 November 1994
Class(es) 14
Type Device
Registration State State Not Specified
Country India
Published Journal 1310
Details [CLASS : 14] watches, clocks, timepieces, horological and other chronometric instruments, accessories and parts thereof jewellery, precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals and quoted therewith included in class -14.

Image (DEVICE)

Tanishq Device mark 646019 Trademark


Titan Industries Limited


V. Gopalakrishna

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the trademark's application date?

Trademark was applied on 17 November 1994 with IP India.

Who applied for the trademark?

Proprietor of Tanishq is Titan Industries Limited.

What is the class of the trademark application?

Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is 14.

On what stage is the trademark application?

Status of Tanishq is Registered.

What is the application number allotted to trademark?

Application number alloted to the trademark is 646019.

What is the name of trademark attorney for Tanishq?

V. Gopalakrishna is the Trademark agent/attorney.

In which category has the Trademark been filed/registered?

Trademark has been filed in the following category: