What is the difference between FPO and FSSAI?

India has one of the biggest and most widespread food cultures in the world. With the growing food industries in the country, the government also had concerns about the safety and hygiene of the food products being bought up in the market. In order to protect the consumer, the government has laid down various Acts to ensure that no unhealthy or unhygienic food is being traded in the Indian market.

FPO and FSSAI were amongst the initiatives taken by the Indian government to regulate the food business in the country. FPO is the Fruit Products Order, and FSSAI is “Food Safety and Standards Association of India.” Both of these Acts were put in place to prescribe standards for various types of food businesses and to maintain the culture of safe and healthy food in the country.

Bought up for the same purpose, yet both the Act possess various dissimilarities amongst them. In this article, we will study disparities between FPO and FSSAI.





The term “FPO” signifies Fruit Products Order.

The term “FSSAI” signifies Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

Effective Since

The FPO mark was made effective in 1955. Furthermore, the FPO mark was made mandatory in 2006.

FSSAI was introduced in 2006.

Who shall obtain it?

The FPO license is mandatory for all manufacturers of Fruit and Vegetable Products.

FSSAI registration/license is mandatory for all food business operators in the country as per the nature of their business.

The FBO can apply for registration/license under 3 categories which are Basic Registration, State License, and Central License.


FPO was introduced to ensure that specified quality standards were met by a business dealing in fruit and vegetable products

The Act provides for monitoring, approving, laying standards for food business operators to ensure that they are safe for human consumption.

The Act has also amalgamated other food organizations into one governing body to provide a single reference mark for all food safety standards.


Requirements for FPO certification:

  • Vinegar (brewed or synthetic)
  • Sweetened aerated water (with or without fruit juice and pulp)
  • Jam, jellies, marmalades, chutneys;
  • Synthetic beverages/syrups/sharbat;
  • Squashes/crushes/cordials/barley water;
  • Pickles, dehydrated fruits and vegetables;
  • Tomato-based products;
  • Fruits and peels preserved (candied/crystallized)
  • Canned/bottled fruits, juices, pulps, and vegetables;

Requirements for FSSAI certification:

  • Food Wholesalers/ traders/ transporters/ Distributors
  • Raw food products supplier
  • Online FBOs
  • Food products importer and exporter
  • All types of food producer

Status of the Act

FPO became a redundant order after the introduction of FSSAI.

FSSAI is still in force.

Currently, FSSAI is the primary authority that regulates all food operations in the country. Every food business must get itself registered with FSSAI by making an application along with all the requisite documents; the application becomes finalized after submission along with statutory fees. Food business operators must follow all the standards and regulations as prescribed under the Act. Any food operator who fails to comply with the directions of FSSAI will be punished as per penal provisions of the Act, where the license of such an operator can be denied or canceled by the authorities.