Reserve Unique Name (RUN) Form

A web service providing an opportunity to reserve a unique name for your company without filing various forms or DSCs, only by paying a nominal fee of INR 1000/- and speeding up the incorporation process.

What is RUN form?

When a person incorporates a company or is planning to change the name of the company then the person has to file for a name for his company which shall not be similar to any other company’s name. This form which is filed is called Reserving Unique Name (RUN) form. This entire process of choosing a unique name and getting it approved by the central registration centre (CRC) can now be done online by simply filing the RUN form. Before this service, the person has to file for form INC-1 with six different choices of names for the company and a minimum of 2 DIN and 1 DSC.

What is the cost of registering the name with the RUN form?

With the government new scheme under ease of doing business, the government has tried to cut down the cost of the company’s incorporation. With its web service for unique name approval of the company, the amount to be paid is INR 1000/- per submission.

For how many days will the name gets reserved under RUN?

In case of applying for a new name for a newly incorporated company the time limit for the reserved name is 20 days, from the day of approval while in case of changing already existing company’s name the time limit exceeds till 60 days.

How many names can be proposed through the RUN?

When filing for the name through form  INC-1, the person was allowed to propose at least six names for his company, but by filing with RUN, you can only propose a single name.

What are the requirements for registering the name under RUN form?

Before the RUN form, the person has to submit DIN and DSC of the directors. However by applying through RUN form you only have to register yourself as an MCA user where you can log in to your account and fill in all your details and apply for the unique name of your newly incorporated company by paying a fess of INR 1000/-. In case of changing the name of already existing company the person has to enter Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of the company.

Are there any benefits of filing name through a RUN form?

With the initiation of the RUN form, it helped in cutting the entire process of choosing the name of the company by submitting various documents to a simple online web form. Which will help us in saving our time and getting involved in tedious work but it is not a cost-effective method.

In comparison to the old method for filing for company’s name, the person had the chance to propose six different names for the company whereas RUN form gives us a single chance to file for only one unique name. In case the name gets rejected then the person has to pay the required fees and file for a new name again. Also in the earlier method, one could reserve the name for a new company for 60 days while now you can only reserve it for 20 days.

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