Articles tagged with trademark

Types of Trademark Filing Forms

Trademark application and prosecution in India since its inception involves the filing of various forms by the trademark holder/agent/attorney with the registry.
20 Jan 2016 by Archi Bhatia

How to Select a Proper Trademark

Before Choosing a Trademark:In-depth research of the existing trademarks.Analyzing the products and services that the company offers.Avoiding deceptive, disparaging and offensive language.Review the trademark based on its activity in the marketplace.
07 Mar 2016 by Archi Bhatia

Trademark Infringement

Trademark infringement is breaking through(violating) private rights of the trademark owner which is caused by unauthorized use of an already existing (similar) trademark or service mark on related goods and services.
07 Mar 2016 by Tanya Sharma

Renewal of an Expired Trademark

For renewal of the trademark after expiration the owner of the mark can file TM-10 within six months after expiration and pay a certain amount of charges for renewing the trademark.In case the time lapse for renewal is also missed file Form TM-13
07 Mar 2016 by Titly Chatterjee

Requirements for Filing a Trademark Application

Requirements for Filing a Trademark Application:The Name,Address,Nationality,Partner's Details(If any),Minor Partner (If any).Name of the Company with Board Resolution if registering Trademark for Company or Partnership.List of Goods and Services.
08 Mar 2016 by Titly Chatterjee

Trademark Registration according to Business Type

Document for filing Trademark Application according to business type.For Private Limited:Board Resolution signed by the Director of the Company.Power of Attorney.Trademark Information sheets.For LLP: LLP Deed.Power of Attorney.TM Information Sheet

09 Mar 2016 by Titly Chatterjee

Advantages of Trademark Registration

Advantages of Trademark are:Exclusive Identification:A trademark helps your consumers & audience to identify uniquely the product & service provided by you.Legal protection.Building up Trust/Goodwill.Global Permits.Protection from Infringement Claims.

10 Mar 2016 by Yati Nijhawan

International TM Registration: Complete Guide for Indians

The international trademark system is known as the Madrid System, which is perfect for registering and managing trademarks at a global platform.This international trademark system helps you to file application in one language and then pay one set of fees

10 Mar 2016 by Archi Bhatia

Reasons for Trademark Application Rejection

Trademarks Applications are rejected due to following reasons.1.Lack of Research:To form a unique, uncommon, and exclusive trademark, a thorough research of all the existing marks is essential.2.The Descriptive Marks.3.Generic Terms.4.The Misguiding Mark:

10 Mar 2016 by Titly Chatterjee

Trademark registration for foreigners

Trademark registration for foreigners in India.:Get Trademark Searches conducted by Indian Trade Marks Registry.Get common law searches.Based on the Information see is Trademark is available or not.Should the trademark be available,immediately apply

11 Apr 2016 by Archi Bhatia