Private Limited Company Data India

All Companies Master Data store at Ministry of Corporate Affairs(MCA). CIN number required to search data on MCA. Only Company name required to find data on Private Platforms. Directors information, funds information, latest activities of a Company is available on Private Platforms.

PVT LTD data is public information which is available for general public. You can find private limited company data on MCA. In this article, you will be getting 2 ways to check any company master data.

Way 1: Check Data on MCA: This will need some research to find data of any company. Like finding company's CIN number and only provides the basic company information, which are required at the time of Incorporation.

Way2: Check Data on This will save your research for finding data of any company. You just need to enter a company name to find all the data and update about the company. Even if you want to trace company from Directors name only. Then also you can trace the data.

How to check Private Limited Company master data on MCA and Private Platforms

Way 1: Check data on

Step 1.Visit QuickCompany's company Search, Just enter Company. Then click on the search icon.


Step 2. After Step 1, you will have all the companies which are starting with the name that you have searched for. Select the company which you are looking for.

Step 3. After selecting the Company's name. All the information will be showing o you computer screen. Information like existing directors, share capital of the company, charges on the company, etc.

These are the steps to find any company data. To get the proper updates about the company's activities than you have to follow further few steps.

Step 4. Click on the 'Follow' and get all the information of that Company. If you never signed up before on quick company than you might face a pop-up window which was asking for Signing Up. 

Step 5. For all the information about the company and proper updates of Legal functional. Just sign up from Facebook or Google plus accounts and get all the information and updates of the Company.

QuickCompany always stays up to date in collecting the master data of the LLPs' and Companies.

Way 2: Check data on MCA

Step 1. Visit MCA website. Then select MCA services. Remember, don't Click on MCA services. Just drag your cursor to the MCA services option.

Step 2. Click on 'View Company or LLP Master Data'.

Step 3. MCA company data search only work if you have the company's CIN number. Any Company Data can only be extracted by their CIN number only. In order to find it, you need to google things up to get particular company's CIN number.

Note: All the information that carries are all the Public Information. We are not infringing any Copyrights or any other rights of any legal or individual body. 

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