Trademark Application Status: Formalities Check Pass

Your trademark application reflects as Formalities Chk Pass when it clears all the preliminary documentary checks performed by the Indian Trademarks Registry.

There are different stages your trademark application undergoes post-filing and submission. The same is updated on the IP India website so that the applicant can track the status of his/her trademark application.

The status of your trademark application will change with the progress in the preliminary checks which help to identify any similarities or confusion in the applied mark.

What is Formalities Chk Pass?

The status of your trademark application shows as Formalities Chk Pass when all the initial requirements are met, and the same are thoroughly checked by the Trademark Registry.

formalities check pass

The Trademark Registry checks for –

  • The documents are handwritten, typewritten or printed in English or Hindi only.
  • The documents are signed by the applicant or the authority filing on his/her behalf.
  • Date and place of applying.
  • Power of Attorney has been attached in case the application is filed by an agent.

In case any of the requirements mentioned above are not met then the status will change to ‘Formalities Chk Fail.’

What’s NEXT?

Once your application gets through the initial formality checks, it is ‘Marked for Exam’ and is assigned to a Trademark Examiner.

During this stage, the examiner scrutinises the application to check for acceptability of the mark.

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