Copyright Articles & News

Patent vs. Copyright

How can you differentiate between copyright and patent? The copyright and patent are both intellectual rights...

How to decide whether register a design under Copyrights Act or Designs Act

The provisions for protecting the designs are not similar under both the Acts. This article provides the provisions...

What are the types of copyright in India?

What is copyright? The customary meaning of the term 'Copyright' indicates the 'right to copy' granted exclusively...

Copyright litigation: An Overview

What are the principal sources of law and regulating copyright litigation? The following are the principal sources...

Fashion and copyright : a thin line between inspired and copied

How is the fashion industry relevant to copyright protection? In India, the fashion industry has bounced in...

Is your original work automatically protected by Copyright?

Under Indian intellectual property law, copyright comes into action as soon as the artwork is created, and no...

Copyright Registration: Process and Fees

Registration of copyright grants certain exclusive legal rights to a creator of original work, including the right to...

Significance of Copyright Law in Academics and Research

In India, issues pertaining to copyright in academics and research are rarely addressed. There may be several reasons...

A Critical Analysis: Copyright (Amendment) Rules, 2021

In March 2021, the Government of India notified the Copyright (Amendment) Rules, 2021 amending the existing copyright...

What are the different term for different copyright works in India?

Copyright protection for artistic, literary, dramatic, musical work or a cinematographic film, or a sound recording...