Trademark Class 35: Advertising and Business Services

According to NICE Classification, Trademark Class 35 is opted to register a trademark for advertising and business services include advertising, administration, business management and general office functions.

The NICE Classification was established in 1957 by NICE Agreement, and it divides marks into 45 different classes by Goods and Services (Classes 1-34 for Goods and Classes 35-45 for Services). The purpose of these classifications is to allow users to seek trademark goods or services into classes most appropriate to their business.

TM Class 35 includes a range of professional services like advertising, business management, office functions. Most of the services included in Trademark Class 35 help in managing business services, commercial advertising and industrial enterprise.

Why Should We Opt For TM Class 35?

You would choose Trademark Class 35 if you were registering for:

  • Business services
  • Advertising services
  • Office functions
  • Administration services

In particular, Trademark class 35 includes:

  • the bringing together, for others, a variety of goods, giving consumers to easily view and purchase those services. These may be provided in retail outlets, through the mail, internet communication through website or video shopping programs.
  • digital services like subscription buy, registration, the compilation of statistical data or written communication.
  • services provided by advertising and PR agencies online or through the post or distributing samples. Class 35 also refers to advertising in connection with other services like TV ad for buying a bike or insurance policy advertising by radio.

Related Classes

A related trademark class is one that is related to another class; this is due to the Indian Trademark Office (ITO) has determined that applicants registering within Class 35 may register in these coordinated classes too.

If you are not sure while choosing Class 35 for your service, you also consider the following “Related Classes”:  Class 36- Insurance and Financial services, Class 37- Construction and Repair Services, Class 38- Telecommunication Services, Class 40- Material Treatment Services, Class 39- Travel and Shipping Services, Class 41- Education and Entertainment Services, Class 43- Food Services, Class 42- Science and Technology Services, Class 45 - Legal and Security Services and Class 44- Medical and Vet Services

Trademark Registration fees also vary on bases of the Class system. You must pay a separate registration fee for each class of goods and services that you want to register. For instance, if you are going to register a trademark for Construction service in Class 37 and Professional services for Class 35, you should pay two separate fees.

It is necessary to choose the correct class at the time of registering a trademark, if you register a trademark in the wrong class, you must repeat the registration process from the beginning.

List of All Goods Covered Under TM Class 35

  • Advertising, Marketing and Promotional Services, agencies/advertising agencies/pr agencies/outdoor advertising/publicity agencies, layout and brochure distribution, marketing modeling for ads business promotion, internet advertising, production of ad videos and films, publication of taglines, publicity texts, publicity columns, publicity materials, radio and tv commercials/advertising, sales pitch and promotion for others, sponsorship search, telemarketing services, advertising material making, writing of publicity texts.
  • PR services, public relations.
  • Product display and demonstration services, product demonstration, presentation of goods on internet/communication media.
  • Trade show and exhibition services, services for organizing trade shows, fashion shows for promotional purposes, organizing exhibitions for commercial purposes, loyalty programs, incentive programs, bonus programs for advertising purposes.
  • Provision of advertising space, time and media, rental service for advertising space, communication media.
  • Distribution of advertising, marketing and promotional material, internet advertising, email advertisement, distribution of samples, distribution of brochures.
  • Advertising, marketing and promotional consultancy, commercial trading, advisory and assistance services, consumer information services, managing newspaper subscriptions for others, arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others, consumer advice, commercial information, price comparison services, procurement services for others, commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others.
  • Wholesale and retail services, wholesale and retail services for sanitary preparations, medical supplies, veterinary and pharmaceuticals.
  • Auctioneering services,
  • Rental of vending machines, rental of vending machines for advertisement services.
  • Business assistance, administration and management services, business inquiries, business management of hotels, business management assistance, business management of performing arts, business management of sports people, business efficiency expert services, relocation services for businesses, outsourcing services for business assistance, telephone answering for unavailable subscribers.
  • Accountancy, bookkeeping and auditing, accounting/book-keeping, drawing up statements, business auditing, tax preparation services.
  • Administrative data processing, data search services, data search for computer files for others, a compilation of information into databases, computerized file management, systemization of data into computer databases.
  • Human resources management and recruitment services, recruitment, employment agencies, personal recruitment, personal management consultancy, psychological testing for the selection of personnel.
  • Clerical services, payroll preparation, document reproduction, invoicing, shorthand, transcription, typing, word processing, secretarial services, photocopying services.
  • Business consultancy and advisory services, business management and organization consultancy, business organization consultancy, professional business consultancy, advisory services for business management, business management consultancy.
  • Rental of office machines, rental of office photocopying machines, other office machines and equipment rental.
  • Business analysis, research and information services, business appraisals, business research, business information, cost price analysis, news clipping services, economic forecasting services.
  • Market research, marketing studies, marketing research, opinion, polling.
  • Collection and systematization of business data, a compilation of statistical data.
Get your Trademark registered under Class 9 by the experts at Quick Company.

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